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  1. Bpmdryiioyb

    script x3

    var config = { auto: { label: '', value: 'Script', type: 'radio', options: [ { value: 'Script', label: 'Script chooses BaseBet' }, { value: 'Player', label: 'Player chooses BaseBet' } ] }, baseBet: { label: '', value: 0.0000042, // Set your initial base bet here type: 'number' }, maxBaseBet: { label: '', value: 0.001, // Set your maximum base bet here type: 'number' } } const TARGET_PROFIT = 0.005; // Set your target profit here (0.005 BTC in this example) const SWITCH_TO_DALEMBERT_AFTER_WINS = 20; // Number of wins before switching to D'Alembert const INCREASE_BET_PERCENTAGE = 1.5; // 50% increase after each loss (1.5x) const MAX_LOSS_STREAK = 100; // Maximum consecutive losses before resetting the bet amount const MODERATE_PAYOUT_MULTIPLIER = 3.0; // Moderate payout multiplier for balanced gameplay var StartBalance = currency.amount; var CurrentBalance = StartBalance; var BaseBet = config.baseBet.value; var CurrentBet = BaseBet; var TotalProfit = 0; var WinsCount = 0; // Keep track of the number of wins var LossStreak = 0; // Keep track of the number of consecutive losses game.onBet = function () { if (TotalProfit >= TARGET_PROFIT) { log.success('Reached the target profit of ' + TARGET_PROFIT + ' BTC. Stopping the game.'); game.stop(); return; } if (CurrentBalance < CurrentBet) { log.error('Insufficient balance to place the bet. Stopping the game.'); game.stop(); return; } var payoutMultiplier = MODERATE_PAYOUT_MULTIPLIER; log.info('[Betting] ' + CurrentBet.toFixed(8)); game.bet(CurrentBet, payoutMultiplier).then(function (payout) { if (payout > 1) { // Won TotalProfit += CurrentBet; CurrentBet = BaseBet; // Reset the bet after a win WinsCount++; log.success('Won ' + CurrentBet.toFixed(8) + ' BTC'); if (WinsCount >= SWITCH_TO_DALEMBERT_AFTER_WINS) { // Switch to the D'Alembert system after 20 wins switchToDAlembert(); } LossStreak = 0; // Reset the loss streak after a win } else { // Lost TotalProfit -= CurrentBet; CurrentBet *= INCREASE_BET_PERCENTAGE; // Increase bet after a loss log.error('Lost ' + CurrentBet.toFixed(8) + ' BTC'); WinsCount = 0; // Reset the wins count after a loss LossStreak++; if (LossStreak > MAX_LOSS_STREAK) { // Reset the bet amount after reaching the maximum loss streak CurrentBet = BaseBet; } } CurrentBalance += payout - CurrentBet; }); }; function switchToDAlembert() { log.success('Switching to the D\'Alembert system.'); // Implement the D'Alembert betting system here // You can set up the D'Alembert system logic in a separate function } function main() { log.success('***********Running Script*********'); } for donations my LTC adress :M81WcRHULFh3dwqt44cn7vqU6hdeBJSquG
  2. try this one scripts . " var config = { auto: { label: '', value: 'Script', type: 'radio', options: [ { value: 'Script', label: 'Script chooses BaseBet' }, { value: 'Player', label: 'Player chooses BaseBet' } ] }, baseBet: { label: '', value: 0.0000042, // Set your initial base bet here type: 'number' }, maxBaseBet: { label: '', value: 0.001, // Set your maximum base bet here type: 'number' } } const TARGET_PROFIT = 0.005; // Set your target profit here (0.005 BTC in this example) const SWITCH_TO_DALEMBERT_AFTER_WINS = 20; // Number of wins before switching to D'Alembert const INCREASE_BET_PERCENTAGE = 1.5; // 50% increase after each loss (1.5x) const MAX_LOSS_STREAK = 100; // Maximum consecutive losses before resetting the bet amount const MODERATE_PAYOUT_MULTIPLIER = 3.0; // Moderate payout multiplier for balanced gameplay var StartBalance = currency.amount; var CurrentBalance = StartBalance; var BaseBet = config.baseBet.value; var CurrentBet = BaseBet; var TotalProfit = 0; var WinsCount = 0; // Keep track of the number of wins var LossStreak = 0; // Keep track of the number of consecutive losses game.onBet = function () { if (TotalProfit >= TARGET_PROFIT) { log.success('Reached the target profit of ' + TARGET_PROFIT + ' BTC. Stopping the game.'); game.stop(); return; } if (CurrentBalance < CurrentBet) { log.error('Insufficient balance to place the bet. Stopping the game.'); game.stop(); return; } var payoutMultiplier = MODERATE_PAYOUT_MULTIPLIER; log.info('[Betting] ' + CurrentBet.toFixed(8)); game.bet(CurrentBet, payoutMultiplier).then(function (payout) { if (payout > 1) { // Won TotalProfit += CurrentBet; CurrentBet = BaseBet; // Reset the bet after a win WinsCount++; log.success('Won ' + CurrentBet.toFixed(8) + ' BTC'); if (WinsCount >= SWITCH_TO_DALEMBERT_AFTER_WINS) { // Switch to the D'Alembert system after 20 wins switchToDAlembert(); } LossStreak = 0; // Reset the loss streak after a win } else { // Lost TotalProfit -= CurrentBet; CurrentBet *= INCREASE_BET_PERCENTAGE; // Increase bet after a loss log.error('Lost ' + CurrentBet.toFixed(8) + ' BTC'); WinsCount = 0; // Reset the wins count after a loss LossStreak++; if (LossStreak > MAX_LOSS_STREAK) { // Reset the bet amount after reaching the maximum loss streak CurrentBet = BaseBet; } } CurrentBalance += payout - CurrentBet; }); }; function switchToDAlembert() { log.success('Switching to the D\'Alembert system.'); // Implement the D'Alembert betting system here // You can set up the D'Alembert system logic in a separate function } function main() { log.success('***********Running Script*********'); } " creator chat.openai help my my LTC adress :M81WcRHULFh3dwqt44cn7vqU6hdeBJSquG
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