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Is there any way to add % to bet size

example i want to make bet amount 1 (60%) ,make bet amount 2 (30%), make bet amount 3 (10%) 


Is there any way to clear console log of script after every 1000 bet


Is there any way to bet max balance every times

i tried use currency.amount but i'll only bet max of balance before bet and will not change with win or lost;

example i have 1 DOGE and use currency.amount then bet amount will be 1 DOGE then let say i win 1.5X and my balance become 1.5 DOGE but

it(currency.amount)'ll still bet 1 DOGE without change to 1.5 DOGE until i stop script and start again to change 

Is there any way to bet max balance every times (not max of the start balance) but the real max of balance (with win or lost) without the need to restart script

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