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Roulette (Single player) - Guide


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Roulette – Single Player


Everyone has probably played roulette at one time or another here at BC.game. If for no other reason, so to finish the task hub. There are two different roulette games at BC.game, the multiplayer and the single-player. This is single-player Roulette.



Payout is ranging from 1x if betting on black/red, odd/even, 1-18 or 19-39 to 35x for betting at a single number (36x for betting 0). The chance of the ball landing at the number 0 is 1 in 36 or 2.7% chance. 2.7% is also the house edge in this game. The reason for the house edge being higher than usual for in-house games is because it comes naturally with the 0. Even if you bet on both black and red (or odd and even), there’s a chance that the ball will stop at 0. A 2.7% chance, of the house edge.

As with all betting, just because there are 1 in 36 chances of hitting 0 (or any other single number) doesn’t mean that if you have lost 35 times you have a 100% chance of getting your number. Every game is a new game, and has the same odds/chance.

However, if you don’t trust the outcome you can verify it yourself, as all in-house games at BC.game are provable fair.

This is how you manually verify a bet in single roulette.

The first step is to change the client seed for a new one. Once that is done, click at the bet you wish to verify and then click the “verify” button. The first window you get is a sort of quick guide to verify your bet.

The only thing that’s important in this window if you plan to manually verify your bet is the hmac_sha256 string. For my bet it looks as follows:


And out of this whole string of numbers and letters, only the first 8 (marked in green) are important. Those 8 characters need to be converted from hexadecimal to decimal numbers, in pairs of 2.



(5 / (256^1)) = 0.019531250

(152 / (256^2)) = 0.002319336

(205 / (256^3)) = 0.000012219

(12 / (256^4)) = 0.000000003

Now, add it together: 0.019531250 + 0.002319336 + 0.000012219 + 0.000000003 = 0.021862808

Take the result and multiply by 37 (there are 37 numbers in the table): 0.021862808 * 37 = 0.808923896

The final result is 0.808923896, which is less than 0, and since there isn’t any number smaller than 0 at the roulette table, anything less than 0 represents 0 at the table.

You use the same method and formula no matter which bet you wish to verify. If you had a bet at black/red, odd/even etc, you would get a specific number and have to check the table where that number is.




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